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             Heaven is a gigantic city bigger than the whole world. The walls that surround heaven are enormous and beautiful. These walls are like no other. They are not just cement or plain stones, but emeralds and gold as pure as glass. The walls are decorated with the most stunning stones known to mankind. Heaven also has a high wall with twelve gates made of snowy pearl. By each gate is a glowing angel. The twelve gates are the symbol of the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles.
             The city itself is gorgeous compared to the exterior. It is not only great and high, but also shining with the glory of God, brilliant like a precious diamond. The never-ending street is made of pure gold, like the most unadulterated, transparent diamond glass. The river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flows from the throne of God in he midst of the great street of the city. Beside the river of water of life stands the tree of life bearing fruit, no longer cursed.
             The dwellers of heaven do not sleep. Heaven does not need sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light. His very presence is all that is ever needed. The dwellers can bask in the warmth of his love.
             The majestic proportion of heaven is increased by its warm sweet smell. Heaven smells like Grandma's kitchen after she makes her famous apple pie. A smell so savory the air seems to taste good. Imagine the very air of heaven, how soothing it is.
             As magnificent as the sweet smell of heaven is, it cannot begin to compare with the actually feeling of being in heaven. In heaven there is no sorrow or tears. The physical pains of our body are banished. All emotional ills will be removed in order to have joy in God's presence. Heaven is ecstatic with God's love. .
             Heaven is a place where God is worshipped. There is a constant hum of music in the air as the angels sing to praise God. There is also a gentle sound of laughter because no one is sorrowful.

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