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Admission Essay


            It is often said, "College isn't meant for everyone." That may be true, but I know college will be a significant stepping-stone for my future. Continuing my education after high school will open many advantageous doors. With a college degree in I can strive to become a better aid in my community. Unfortunately, I haven't decided on which college will best quench my thirst for knowledge. There are many colleges in America, let alone in the world. I would like the opportunity to see various campuses, with different atmospheres, towns, and programs. That's why I have requested to attend this year's college tour. This tour will grant me different perspectives of college living.
             Many high school students around this time are sending in applications to schools that they no nothing about. These unfortunate individuals rarely see how the life is on the campus let alone visit the college. They just apply to the college for the name, or because their parents are alumni's from the school. Much like my older sister for example. .
             Being the youngest child, I'm fortunate to observe and learn from many of my sibling's mistakes. My sister was an A student with many leadership roles, basically an all around good student. She got accepted to The University of Florida and went without any knowledge of UF campus life. Reality didn't set in until her first week at school. UF was not the school for her and she also realized that she hadn't considered any other colleges either. By my observation I strongly feel, that if she was presented with the opportunity to tour many different colleges and universities she would have realized that researching and applying to more than one facility is essential to choosing the college that will best fit your needs.
             Since the age of six I became conscious of the fact that I enjoy working with computers. From then on I've been a sponge, soaking up anything that interests me in that field of study.

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