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Homosexual adoption as an alternative


             Adoption is many peoples" solution whether young or old to childbirth. It is often the answer to many peoples problems who are either unfit to keep a child or are just not prepared for the responsibility. It is also the answer to many orphan children's prayers. Adoption is also the answer to many couples" prayers also. However adoption though has many dark tunnels to it as well that are not always talked about. In reality if the ability to adopt children for gays were given it could be the solution to many and answer to many kids unhappiness because for the thousands of children that are in these orphanages that could easily go home with gay/lesbian couples. These couples are just as capable of taking care of a child as any other parents.
             Many people argue that it is real interesting that gay couples can be foster parents but cannot adopt. What is the difference you may ask well here it is.In foster care the child is placed into a home for a short amount of time after being removed from the home for any of a number of reasons. The child then stays there until the birth parents can take care of the child or the child becomes legally available for adoption. Adoption then provides children with a permanent home. Like other adults in this country, the majority of lesbians and gay men are in stable committed relationships. The adoption screening process is very hard, including extensive home visits and interviews of prospective parents. It is designed to screen out those individuals who are not qualified to adopt, for whatever reason. My problem with this test is how can you really tell who is a good parent and who isn't? I feel that everyone can be a good parent I do not feel it should be left up to a test to decide whether someone is a good parent or not. All of the evidence shows that lesbians and gay men can and do make good parents. .
             Good parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation .

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