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             The media can do things that they could not 50 or 60 years ago. They are a very important part of today's world and it is great to have them around. The things that people see on television do have an affect on how a person thinks. I constantly turn on the television and see the horrible situation in the Middle East, and other situations around the world. We hear about how North Korea has weapons of mass destruction, and where in the United States they can hit with them. .
             Children have to grow up hearing and seeing these images like the ones on TV, and it is really sad. The biggest thing that gets me is that parents who are not watching what their children are doing and let television and video games raise them, I think that is where the big problem is today. Very simple things influence kids, and what they see on TV can have an affect on them. When a child sees something that is violent, or images that are disturbing and it should be the parents" responsibility to talk to them about it. There should not be any kid that is raised by a television or video games. Parents should get their children involved in with extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are helpful with getting a child to mature, and gives them something to be apart of. The media gets blamed for someone who goes out and shoots up a high school or calls in a bomb threat. In the Oliver Stone movie called "Natural Born Killers" which is a very violent movie and John Grisham blames Oliver Stone for the murders of two people (572). The movie was about two people going out on a killing spree across the United States who thought they were being haunted by Demons (571). This is something very typical in the entertainment agency, because people see these things and they feel like they should go out and do it to become famous or whatever reason they might want to. Oliver Stone was trying to make something entertaining for people to watch, how was he supposed to know that someone would go out and kill two people because of his movie.

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