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Interview on Homosexuality

            This essay is on diversity in culture through the sociological perspective, and how it pertains to a minority group's sexual orientation. I have always wondered if being gay was a choice, or a change in a genetic makeup, or something as simple as an "accrued status." " Humans experience free will every day of their lives, but I'm not sure if sexual orientation "is a personal choice, or something that is genetically built in. It must be difficult being a minority a small city in Wyoming, where I live. I conducted an hour long interview, which gave me insight into this. It was not a choice for me to be a straight, white female; it was not a choice for my friend, Andrew, to be a white, homosexual, male. In my interview, I tried to get a glimpse into his daily life. My interview was conducted with my great childhood friend, Andrew, at approximately 6pm, November, 20th, 2014.
             Andrew, is of a diversified minority group, as a homosexual. He is a single, 27 year old homosexual, male. He resides in Rock Springs, Wyoming, and is currently working for the United States Postal Service delivering mail. He takes great pride in the way he dresses, on and off the job. His attire includes wearing bright colors, designer jeans and button up shirts. He describes himself as an extremely spiritual, successful, driven, kind, and confident young man. He was very eager to share his story in the interview. Being gay can be difficult in such a small, and unaccepting community. There is often depression, and difficulties in the choice of an individual who considers the inevitable decision to "come out." .
             Andrew, is a member of the GLBT, (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender organization) and spoke openly with me about being gay, his rights, and his decision to "come out." Andrew was born and raised in Big Piney, Wyoming. He grew up in a Christian household, and attended church regularly; his father was a pastor of a small Baptist church.

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