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             Kennedy was a great man in which made it such a tragedy the day we lost him. I can not tell you what I was doing or where I was the day he died because I was not born yet, but my mom has told me stories about what she was doing that day. Although I can not recall what she has told me since it was so long ago, I think that it would be interesting to find out where both my parents were the day he died. .
             John Kennedy was shot and assassinated on November 22, 1963. This was a tragedy for the whole world. It was considered "the day the nation cried." I mean I do not have any deaths or anything that would make me feel like this in my family, but I am sure that for a person that has touched as many people he did, it would be a tragedy for everyone. I know it is sad to say today, but I do not know if it would be such a tragedy if the President died today. I mean of course it would be a tragic moment for everyone, but I don't know if it would have touched everyone like it did when Kennedy died. I don't think I would have cried but that can be only because I am still young and I don't realize it as much as my parents would. .
             I guess if I had to relate this to someone in my life, it would be my parents. But since Kennedy wasn't parents to the whole world, then I guess it would be like if one of my friends died, or maybe my math teacher from high school. She was one of my favorite teachers that I had, and believe it or not I kind of went to Prom with her in a way. My date had to go to the emergency room before prom, so when I got there, I took pictures and everything with my math teacher. I don't know if it would be as tragic as if a President had died, but like I said, I am young and that is how it would relate to me. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but for me that is good enough. .
             The only thing that I do not think I could handle is if one of my parents died.

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