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Act Against Billboards

             Billboards should not be permitted in our community. Accidents, due to traffic, are higher in probability. They also clutter the city and make the scenery less attractive. Billboards are distracting, cause accidents, and clutter cites "they should not be allowed in our community.
             Billboards are distracting. Some billboards have bright colors and draw attention to them rather than the road. Fluorescent colors have a way of drawing attention like a lighted room in the middle of a dark hall. Billboards may also use big letters. "The bigger the better,"" this is a quote of many; although, bigger may get peoples attention it is not always for the better. Using big letters on billboards is a hazard because people need to have their eyes on the road and not on the billboards. Companies may use these effects if they really want to get their point out, but sometimes they need to think twice about doing this. .
             Billboards clutter the city making the scenery less attractive. Nobody wants to drive through a town cluttered in ads. Sometimes its almost as if there is no escape from the ads. Billboards are as bad as litter; imagine going through a town invaded with billboards, and then on to a town where there is not a single one, there is a big difference. Billboards bring down a town, and clutter to a neighborhood.
             Billboards cause accidents. When there is an excessive amount of traffic it is hard not to wander away to the signs on the billboards. There is one billboard I pass everyday it states, "Santa Claus is coming to town, please don't hit him, don't drink and drive,"" my attention goes straight to it every time. It is a good message, but accidents could be caused. Even if people do not look at the billboards there can still be accidents. If an accident does occur, and all control of the vehicle is lost, people can run into the posts on the billboards. If this was to happen one could be seriously injured or hospitalized due to the lethal condition of these billboards.

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