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             The drama begins with the chorus catching us up on what has happened since the death of Oedipus. In present time Antigone has already buried her brother Polynices, knowing that this will be the cause of her death. Antigone wants death, she believes it will bring honor to her and her families name. This is why she intentionally got caught.
             Antigone's family name has not been the best name to have in Thebes during the past three generations. Her grandfather was having a run of bad luck when his son, Oedipus, killed him. After Oedipus married Jocasta, his mother everything went well until Jocasta found out and did not stop sleeping with Oedipus. Horrible things happened in Thebes, famine the death of the Queen, Oedipus stepped down from the throne and the death of two brothers.
             Antigone intentionally does her act during a time when she knows she will be caught. Going out in mid-day to dig a grave with her hands instead of waiting for night and using tools. Also after caught she is given a chance to get off, Creon declares that she was not feeling well. Instead of taking his opportunity she tells him she will try again, asking him for death. She could have lied to him and tried again in secret. She did not do this because if she is not caught she will not get an honorable death.
             The last thing Antigone did to seal her honorable death was to hang herself. Instead of being killed by Creon, who could have changed his mind, she ends her own life, guarantying her honor.

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