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The American Revolution

             In this concisely drawn book that covers the colonial period from 1763 to 1790, the author attempts to explain the bases of the American Revolution. One thing is quite certain, the American Revolution cannot be understood as simply battles won and oppression thrown aside. .
             The author makes it really clear that enormous cultural, social, and economic changes were occurring in the colonies dating from the French and Indian War. There was a tremendous amount of westward migration in this period. Americans were becoming economically more prosperous by producing raw goods and finished products for the European and Caribbean markets. Even though colonialists regarded themselves as Englishmen, they led lives of independence. Especially on the western front, settlers often had to band together to perform basic governmental functions such as keeping the peace. .
             British attempts to collect revenue and quarter soldiers on American soil through a series of ill-conceived acts of Parliament in the 1760s and 70s precipitated all manner of protest from the colonialists, who were already used to inadequate representation in local assemblies. The notion of "virtual" representation in Parliament as being sufficient for agreeing to taxation was rejected strongly throughout the colonies. .
             In this book, the author offers his own interpretation of the importance of the Revolution. It was the source of what he calls "middling democracy". By this phrase, the author means that any person, regardless of social status, wealth or education had the right to pursue his or her own ends, to find value, and to seek his or her own self-defined interests and economic success. The Revolution broke all future branches in structure from Europe. According to the author, we are still living through and developing the insights and consequences of the Revolution. .
             For me, I like how this book was well written and how easy it is to read and short enough to understand.

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