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My role in the fight against AIDS

             Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS as we all are familiar with is a deadly virus that affects the immune system. This virus leaves a person infected by it completely defenseless against the many diseases in our environment. Up to now, scientists are trying to find a cure for AIDS but they are not that successful. The medicines available now only lessen the aggravation of the symptoms. Until now there is no cure for this life-threatening disease. AIDS is primarily transmitted sexually or in other forms of exposure such as infected needles during blood transfusion.
             AIDS has become a global concern since it was discovered in the early 90's. A lot of misconceptions arose due to lack of knowledge which eventually brought fear and led it to become a social stigma. Discrimination against people with AIDS is still present in the society because not all people are aware of what AIDS really is. As a young student, I cause to know AIDS throughout the media, the internet, books and campaign awareness programs. Being a student does not exempt me from my social responsibilities. I believe I too have a share in promoting AIDS Awareness among my friends and relatives in the form of counseling and encouraging safe sex or preferably no to premarital sex among teenagers. By giving proper education to my peers regarding the spread of the AIDS virus and how it can affect many lives they would be knowledgeable of the subject and aware other people about AIDS. Doing this, I have accomplished my role as a normal student in the fight against AIDS.
             Regardless of age, race or sex, we should not underestimate the impact of AIDS. As a member of our society, we must all work together in this fight against AIDS.

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