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Life on my own

             When I am old enough to be out on my own, I think that my mother is going to be very happy. I think that she is going to very happy and proud of me because I have always been a mother's baby, meaning I never go anywhere far without my mamma, never stay anywhere too long with out her. My mother is my best friend so it would be really hard to live without her right there with me. I am kind of ready to be out on my own, but I really don't want the responsibility of living on my own. Like spending my own money on food, and paying for bills.
             I will be 18 next year so I have plans on begin out on my own, because I cant live with my mother forever. I have to grow up one day. I need to learn how to manage my bills. Learn way to save money. I also want to know all of the responsibility I will have to handle, so that I will know what I am up against. The most important thing that I need to learn how to do before I get out on my own is cook, so that I will not have to go to my mother's house to eat everyday.
             The most important thing that my parents have taught me is to always put God first. If I put God first my problems that I have will be taking care of, if I have faith in him. I think that that advice will always guide me in life no matter what is happening in my life.
             The only thing that I will depend on my parents for, after I am out on my own is holiday dinners. Other then that I should not have to depend on them for anything. I feel that if I move out on my own know all of my responsibilities, I should have to take care of myself. And not rely on anyone. Even though I know that if I ever really need anything they are going to be there for me. I think that my parents will depend on me to make the right choices and do the right things when I am out on my own. .

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