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Sheep Cloning

             Cloning is one area of genetics that is advancing very rapidly, and it is therefore very controversial. A clone is a group of genetically identical cells descended from a single ancestor. A clone is made up of plasmids, groups of identical structures, that contain genetic material such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Plasmids are found in bacteria and yeasts. The bacteria in yeasts are combined with an animal or plant genes that allow scientists to produce identical copies of the gene.
             Cloning is a very important subject in life because the cloned organisms are useful in research. Scientists can test different drugs and other chemicals on bacterial clones. .
             The history of cloning shows how far scientists have come with this area of genetics. This history is important because it lets us know how far cloning has come to include subjects, such as plants, animals, and humans. It is also helpful because we can look back and become educated about this topic. .
             Cloning plants was a lot easier than cloning animals. Plant breeders have been taking advantage of the ability of cloning for a long time. The clone will need to have exactly the same genes as the original. The farmer that grows these plants from seed never knows exactly how it's going to turn out. Cloning also saves time because, plants grown in test tubes bloom sooner than plants grown from seed. .
             Every year 8 billion trees are cut down for human needs. Cloning might solve the problem of cutting down to many trees. In 1998 an .
             Australian company ForBio announced a new technology for cloning and growing trees. This technology can help scientists produce about 1000 clones a day. At that rate it would be very expensive to produce this number of clones. ForBio could then produce 50 million trees by 3 years. .
             It is exciting to clone animals but it might be dangerous. It's not good to use animals just like it's something small. The cloning of animals is still in its early stages.

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