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             "Now let's have a round of applause for our special guest; the boyfriend's, sisters, second cousins next door neighbour!" - for all you couch potatoes out there that get some sort of perverted entertainment out of watching Jerry Springer, I"m sure that sounds familiar. It seems everywhere we look these days we are surrounded by "reality" TV. Survivor, The Bachelor (or bachelorette for that matter) or just good old Oprah, our society is addicted to it. The fact is, humans are entertained by watching the highs and particularly the lows of other people's lives. So, at what point do we draw the line? Would people still tune in to watch a 30 year old nobody go about his life? Knowing, that every single aspect of it was being manipulated by some producer/director and still be entertained? In this brilliantly satirical drama, "The Truman Show" directed by Peter Wier, we get to explore these questions. .
             Truman Burbank played by Jim Carrey is an insurance broker. The average Joe Bloggs (although slightly eccentric) he has a nice house, a good relationship with his neighbours, a charming wife and a best friend that's always there for him - or so it seems. Unbeknown to himself Truman is actually the star of a reality TV show based on his life, millions of people worldwide tune in just so they can watch every aspect of his life be scripted out for him by the god like creator of the show, Christoff (played by Ed Harris). Eventually though, Truman becomes suspicious of his surroundings after a series of mistakes made by the film crew and attempts to break free of his manufactured world. .
             Weir has done an effective job with directing, using unique camera techniques. He cleverly creates the illusion that there are hidden cameras everywhere that constantly follow Truman and the black outline around the images create the effect that we are viewing Truman in secret, like when we are viewing him from inside his car, and gives you that extra sense of voyeurism.

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