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            Television, newspapers, and the radio all play a major role in a lot of Americans lives. It provides a way that the country can see what is going on through pictures, sounds, and testimonies of other people. One thing that the media can do is show certain sides of a story without showing the other. The media had a tremendous influence on the American society and culture during the past half century. This effect was shown differently in each decade because different events were happening to the United States. Abbie Hoffman used the media perfectly to convey his message and beliefs across America. The Vietnam War was also another event that shaped the way Americans viewed war and how they viewed the rest of the world. Events and news that is happening now are still shaping and changing the way society it and how society thinks.
             The media was an important tool in making country aware of what was going on. "Television news coverage of the white South's violent resistance to integrated schooling forced the racial issue into the nation's consciousness."(Jezer 33) The integration of the fifties was one of the most pivotal points in United States history. This marked the end of discrimination and a start to the country harmonizing and getting along. On September 3, 1957 the Integration plan by the school board of Little Rock, Arkansas came into effect. Nine brave black students prepared to enter Little Rock Central High School, which is was an all-white school and the first high school to be integrated under this act. This was a highly covered media event. Newspaper and television coverage made this a truly national event and all of America saw what was happening. By this being so highly broadcasted throughout America and other countries it showed everyone how serious of a problem we were having. The editors of major newspaper publications were involved in this matter. "Asked to describe the situation in Little Rock that night, the editor of the Arkansas Gazette stated, "I'll give it to you in one sentence.

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