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The Teenaged Male

             Ok hold on to your hat's folks as I take you into the weird and wonderful world of being a teenage boy, so if you please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times!.
             To all the parents out there be afraid be very afraid because as soon as that clock strikes 12:00 bye bye loveable child hello hormone induced stropoholic teen. You see, this is the scary bit guys the minute that child becomes 13 you"ll know about it, Harry Enfield got it spot on with "Kevin". Now I"m sorry to say no matter how well you raised your, child they always know best, life and you are their mortal enemy and all chocolate companies for some reason have just added a new spot making ingredient or so they think. Nevertheless, like a wise person once said " if you can keep your head whilst all the spots around you are losing theirs one day my friends you will reclaim your child" with a few alterations of course. .
             Right first thing's first for the first couple of months your son will sound like a hamster's wheel that hasn't seen a can of WD-40 for a decade, however as time goes on he"ll sound remarkably like Barry White and find out why girls really are put on this earth! (Exactly, to tag team with you to make their life a living hell!). But don't worry the good times do outweigh the bad well sometimes.
             I am a typical teenage boy, I go mental if my hair is touched, I"m after the girls and I play sport for a local club. This time period is where boys, scarily, start to spend more time in the bathroom tarting themselves up than girls, which is some mean feat I can tell you.

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