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             A majority of people are addicted to cigarettes. Cigarettes addicts claim that smoking cigarettes gives them a feeling of relaxation. However smoking results serious diseases and is one of the main reasons for lung cancer. Because of this reason, people insist upon prohibiting the sales of cigarettes. But is this the right choice? Wouldn't this be against human rights and freedom? .
             Most countries have a law that talks about human rights. These laws state that the people have freedom as long as they don't use their freedom as a tool to harm the country or other people. Kant said that the limit of our freedom was until we harmed other people's freedom. Smoking cigarettes has nothing to do with harming other people. Of course, being near a smoker when he/she is smoking can harm your health. However, this does not mean you're your freedom has been ignored because you had the freedom of choosing whether or not you were going to be next to the smoker when he/she was smoking. .
             I admit that smoking causes diseases that can result in death. However, we cannot ban smoking due to this reason. This is because the smoker had perfect knowledge of this. Even cigarette boxes state that smoking can be very dangerous and can cause death. Since smoking has nothing to do with harming others, this means that the smoker had the choice of deciding whether or not to smoke. Sadly, this indicates that a disease or death that was caused by smoking was entirely the smoker's fault, not the country who respected his/her choice.
             A lot of people like to blame others for their mistakes. Cigarette addicts sometimes choose to blame the law that allowed them free access to cigarettes, and the freedom to smoke. However, this is ridiculous. Laws were made to keep order in the country, not to be used as a life guidance tool. In most cases, it is the choice that matters. This includes smoking. Banning smoking just seems like a cowardly solution to smoking problems.

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