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             It is the second biggest country in the world but yet its neighboring country, the United States of America, oversees it. One thing about Canada is its population. 40% of Canada's population is unmixed British of Native born. 27% of the population is French origin. There is less than 1% of Canadians that are Black. In 1999 the population of Canada was 31,006,347 people. That means that there were 8 people every square mile. Three quarters of Canada's population lives along the US Frontier. Out of that three quarters 62% of the people live in Quebec and Ontario. .
             Canada was mostly an agricultural nation until the early 20th century. It has become one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world. Most of the manufacturing industries are with raw materials such as mining, forestry, and fishing. Canada's output of goods and services increased from $96.1 billion to$949 billion between 1971 and 1999. .
             Canada is mainly governed according to principles in the Constitution Act of 1982 when the country gained full control of its constitution. Canada has a division of powers between the century and provincial governments and is also a federal union. There was lots of controversy between the federal government and the provincial governments over the proper allocation of power. A passage in the 1982 Constitution Act gave citizens fundamental freedoms, such as democratic rights, vote, seek election, mobility, legal and equality rights to move throughout Canada. The sovereign of Great Britain is the head of state of Canada. However the Prime Minister is in charge of the Parliament.
             The Canadian Parliament consists of two houses, the Senate composed of 112 members appointed by the governor-general on the advice of the Prime Minister, and the House of Commons composed of 295 members apportioned according to provincial population. .
             The Icelandic colonizers of Greenland who established short - lived settlements in Labrador and Newfoundland in about 1000 AD was the first Europeans to reach North America.

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