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Parents Love

             Their beauty and inviting dependence brings palpable meaning to life, a voice that speaks the purpose of life. Their beauty contains our truth, the truth of our purpose here on earth. Their beauty and the feelings they invoke within us are sufficient to know what we should focus upon. Sacrifices, positive discipline, and values parents implant in their children will help them determine the person they grow up to be. A child is like a sponge that absorbs their parent's thoughts and viewpoints that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. .
             Parents make great sacrifices for the care of their children. Day after day, parents protect their children from danger, attend to their cries, and reassure them after a bad dream. Parents give up necessities for their children everyday. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, the father displays the sacrifices he makes for his son. The father builds a fire with "cracked hands that ached" (1-5). He takes no thought for his own comfort or pain. The father would also rise early "in the blueblack cold" and relight the fire (1-5). Stacey Burleson describes the father as "not only bringing physical warmth to him by making a fire; he is also bringing spiritual warmth to him". Personal safety dose not concern parents when their child's safety is in doubt. The mother in "Ballad of Birmingham" by Dudley Randall illustrates this caring sacrifice. The mother of this young girl tells her daughter she is not allowed to go "and march in the streets" because it is unsafe (1-5). This mother wants to protect her daughter from the violence of the world, the violence in the streets. She instead tells her daughter to go to church where the mother feels it is safe. In the words of Baxter Miller "the mother refused to let her child march in the wild streets of Birmingham and sent her to the safest place that no harm would become of her daughter". The quiet stories of the immense sacrifices parents make for their children.

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