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            Culture is a term used by social scientists for a way of life. Culture includes a society's arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, inventions, language, technology, and values. A culture produces similar behaviour and thought among most people in a particular society. To learn about a culture, one may ask such questions as these: What language do the people speak? What do the people of the society wear? How do they prepare their food? What kind of dwellings do they live in? What kind of work do they do? How do they govern themselves? How do they judge right from wrong? .
             People are not born with any knowledge of a culture. They generally learn a culture by growing up in a particular society. They learn mainly through the use of language, especially by talking and listening to other members of the society. They also learn by watching and imitating various behaviours in the society. The process by which people--especially children--learn their society's culture is called enculturation. Through enculturation, a culture is shared with members of a society and passed from one generation to the next. Enculturation unifies people of a society by providing them with common experiences. .
             The term culture has been defined in many ways. It is often used in a narrow sense to refer to activities in such fields as art, literature, and music. In that sense, a cultured person is someone who has knowledge of and appreciation for the fine arts. But under the broader definition used by social scientists, culture includes all areas of life, and all human beings have a culture.

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