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Overweight America

             In 2003 Detroit was named the Fattest City in the world. Detroit and many other cities have suffered from obesity for a few years. The problem starts from a lot of fast food restaurants in the city. Every corner you pass there is a fast food restaurant on it. Last year a woman sued a McDonalds, because they got her fat and for them not indicating how much fat their food contained. A lot of feelings against that were the lady that sued McDonalds should have known that if she ate McDonald's everyday she was going to gain weight and that is just common sense. Other people feel that McDonalds were wrong for not posting their calories and etc. on napkins like Subway does, they also felt like the portions that McDonalds give you too much. In result of that McDonalds added a salad menu for people and made the sizes of serving smaller. .
             In the eyes of certain people in Detroit people don't cook their families dinner because there are fast food restaurant every where so why cook when you can spend 10 dollars and buy your whole family a meal. People are getting lazy and when you get lazy you get fat. That is the reason people are obese and dying of heart failure and diabetes. A child heart can only take so much and with all of the fast food given can build up around the heart and can cause heart attacks at 10 years old. People need to really sit down and think about what they are going to feed there children when they are young. When the kids grow up they are going to want to give there children the same things they ate when they were young and they are all going to be fat with heat problems. Some obesity problems are natural and are passed down from previous generations. It all had to start somewhere though some generations mess it up for the next with messing over their bodies. .
             Now people are getting surgery to try and stop gaining weight but if you don't apply yourself you will just be wasting your money.

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