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             Cloning used to be seen as impossible, but today scientists believe they have the knowledge to clone a human being. This has caused arguments among different groups of people. Most scientists would like to have the opportunity to try to clone a human, and other scientists believe that cloning a human is wrong, but they would like to use stem cells to create human organs. On the other side there are Christian people who believe that scientists do not have the right to play God. In either case it is up to the government to decide whether or not scientists can continue the study of human cloning through stem cell research. Should scientists be able to use stem cells to clone a human or should the Christian people get their way and human cloning be banned? The government is going to debate and decided the morality and scientific measures of cloning.
             Scientists today, still know very little about cloning, but they do know it can be done. There are still some questions they are asking themselves; such as, why do clones have a shorter lifespan than non-clones, and can stem cells be use to clone only certain human body organs. In February 2002, Texas A&M University, scientists said that they had cloned a cat named Cc (J.T. 1). This was the first cloning of a common domestic pet, and they were successful; however, other attempts cloning mice have not been so successful. For the most part the mice have very short life spans, and 50% of them had liver problems (J.T. 2). These are some of the reasons scientists would like to be able to continue researching cloning, so that they can define the problem and repair it. They believe that if they are allowed to move along in their research, they will be able to uses stem cells to create body organs for people in need. They are also working on a way to use the umbilical cord for stem sell research. If this were to happen there would be a shorter waiting list for people needing organ donors.

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