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Humanities One


            Trace the consciousness and relationship of man, of his god, and his place in the world through art, architecture, literature, and music. How has his culture and values grown? .
             The very earliest form of art that can be found came in 15,000 B.C. At this time came a big change in self-expression through visual art. Cave paining have been found in Lascaux and Altamira. They have also found statutes like the Venus of Willendorf. These works show the earliest works that tell the need of creativity in the human life. The early cave paintings show hunting and animals, which were very important in their way of life. Those two items provided the people of this period with food and clothing. Some of the other early pieces of art that have been found are statutes of women. The statutes have their sexual characteristics enlarged showing the importance of women to give life through birth. .
             In the very beginning to be a civilized society there were certain characteristics that one must possess. Some of those characteristics were, some type of urban life, construction of permanent settlements, some form of written communication so they could share and preserve stories and history, and lastly they needed to have a shred religious belief. So even in 5000 B.C. Architecture, literature, and religion were important values in life. The very beginning of religious beliefs that have been located was about one hundred thousand years ago; they were ancestors of the Homo sapiens or Neanderthal people. These people were the first to show us existence of religious beliefs with the way they buried their dead. We gave found pottery that dates all the back to 5000 B.C., during this time pottery had many functions from conventional to decorative. Also in this time metal was invented. Metal replaced stone for a source of tools and weapons. The first metal invented was copper, but that was soon replaced with Bronze.

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