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Engineering Interview Essay


             Engineering is a very important part of our society, both now and in the past. It is a major that opens a wide variety of career opportunities for you after college. Engineering is what keeps our nation moving and up to date with technology. It is a very strong appealing major in college due to the amount of average income, and also it appeals to many individuals likes in a career. It has the highest paying income straight out of college, and that increase in pay usually does not stop, it just keeps increasing. Another appealing aspect of a career in engineering is the possibility to work for a foreign company, and no matter where you live in the United States, your income never decreases due to the other local income. It is a rewarding career, both financially and mentally. This is one of those careers that you feel a great deal of self-worth after completing an assignment, or creating something new and improved to keep up with technology. It is a major that requires more time and effort than most other majors. You need to apply yourself or you will just fall behind and most likely just drop the major all together. Whether you choose general engineering or a more difficult division such as mechanical or aerospace, your major is the most difficult one you can choose. I recently interviewed Jack Byrd, an engineering professor at West Virginia University, on Mechanical Engineering. The interview detailed the importance of engineering and the process he went through to be where he is today. This interview would be an insight to anyone who has the slightest interest in engineering or becoming an engineer and what it takes to become a successful engineer.
             Engineering is a career field in which you most definitely need a degree from education you received while in college. No high school drop out will be able to hold a position in engineering with out their bachelor degree. Mechanical engineering is a very tough major to go into in college.

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