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Greek Religion


             The Greeks were polytheistic, they believed in many gods and looked up to these gods for everyday. The Greeks didn't believe that these gods created the earth but where apart of every aspect of earth. There are 12 main gods and main other less important gods. Each of these gods have a special ability or power dedicated to them for example Zeus was the god of thunder and cloud and Athena was the guardian of Athens. One would think that there's a god for every single element on earth. For the Greeks, their god's were everywhere. There's a god for the ocean, sky, air, love, and hate. There is a god for almost everything basically. The leading god of all gods was Zeus. He ruled and watched over everything and everyone and lived on Mt. Olympus. Zeus's wife was Hera, she didn't really do much but be at Zeus's side. The Greeks prayed to the god's whenever needed. Like we pray to our god for good luck before a test or a game, the Greek prayed for almost everything because they believed in praying to their god's. The Greeks prayed before they ate and before they basically did anything that could require some luck and good fortune to them. My family use to pray before eating, but we got tired and lazy so we aren't as committed as the Greeks were into their religion with praying for almost everything. .
             The Greeks prayed but where did they pray? Mainly the Greeks prayed to the gods at the altars. The Greeks would go to altars, which can be found outside of an Olympian god's temple to pray to them. The Greeks were very dependant on the gods I think because they always prayed to them for most of their needs and questionings. They would do certain things to please them like sacrificing something valuable to them to show how much they love them. The Greeks also believed in Oracles where one would go to their temple for answers from a certain god. Basically you were given certain sign that would give you soothing inspirations to help you through your troubles and one would thank that god for the guidance that he/she gave you.

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