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            America's focus on consumption causes the loss of individuality.
             A great tragedy has struck this nation of ours giving us nothing but an artificial concept of life. This catastrophe has brought us a new age of citizens that consists only of mindless spending robots in search of the latest trends. Hundreds of thousands of our young Americans and even some of the past generation still fall into this bottomless pit of lost individualism everyday. America's focus on the consumption of trends and products causes this loss of all individuality in people. From mass advertising to celebrity influence, consumption eats away at the minds of the general public, making us feel as if we need to buy to fit in with the populace that surrounds us. .
             Everywhere you look you see commercial advertising. On billboards, television, clothing, malls, internet pop-ups, and even in public restrooms, the abundant amounts of advertisements surround us with a false perception of sex, popularity, and reality. Most people consume products due to the fear that advertisements and commercials show anymore; if you don't wear American Eagle clothes, then you won't have any friends, if you don't drink Budweiser , you will never be happy or have fun. Without any expensive name brand products, you can only live the life of a miserable, lonely, pathetic loser. And for the record, not to go off on a rant, I have been drinking Coors Light and at no time did loud POP music begin to play while having good looking twins in bikinis appearing before me dancing having a good time. But in the end though, the corporations have your money and you have nothing but a pair of a hundred dollar Nike shoes that cost eighty-three cents to make in a sweatshop. If the advertisements showed the factual reality other then a counterfeit world, the true individuality of humans would appear.
             With all the different sounds of today's music, you would think that individuality in a person would be obviously seen, however it only does the opposite.

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