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            On February 23, 1997, the face of the world changed forever. Whether or not you believe that it was for the better, is another question entirely. You can not dispute the fact that on this day Scottish scientists made a major breakthrough in cloning technology. With a lot of time and effort these scientists were able to successfully clone a sheep. Thus, Dolly was born.
             Today, the subject of cloning generates more argument then it has ever created before. The controversy over cloning is based, in part, on the fact that there are extreme opposing viewpoints on the subject. A major factor in the debate over cloning is a simple fear of new technology. Throughout history, man has always been slow to adapt to a new technology, or a new way of doing things. We go through all the trouble to adapt to one method, why should we uproot ourselves and change things just to do it a different way.
             This attitude has clearly displayed in the recent past, with inventions such as the automobile, the television and Nuclear power. As with everything, there is a negative side. With television, the negative is that children often watch it instead of doing homework. A negative to automobiles is the massive pollution a large number of them cause. Nuclear power's major downfall is, aside from the immense destruction caused by an accident, the long-lasting effects of the spent nuclear fuel. Sometimes the negatives outweigh the positives, and the technology is rightfully abandoned, but in most cases the technology is abandoned simply out of fear.
             First off, cloning is not just the photocopying of a living breathing human being. There are many things that can be cloned; single cells, plants, organs, animals, and eventually entire human beings. The technology to clone a human exists, but we have yet to move into that area of cloning. This is due, to the fact that people are afraid of a new technology, and partially to the fact that some people believe cloning violates their religious beliefs.

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