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Causes of The French Revolution


             The causes of the French Revolution was provoked by the collision of a powerful rising bourgoisie and an entrnched aristocracy defending its privileges. This collision worsened the financial debt of the government and the long standing political differences with that government.
             Over the course of tweny-five years after the Seven Years War, the government of France, could not manage its finances on a sound bases. This was worsened when France aided the American Revolution against Great Britian. The Government had reached great financial debt. The problem lied and continued because of the governments inability to tap the wealth of the .
             French nation by taxation. There was a great paradox in France being a rich nation with a government in poverty. The detiorating finances of the government are what triggered the prolonged differneces between the Bourgeosie and the aristocracy.
             The political differences between the monarchy and the nobles came about after the .
             Seven Years War also. The increasing debt of the government escalated the hope for the monarchy to resume an "absolute power" status as it did with Louis XIV. However this could not be accomplished because of the doubt that the public had towrds the present kings Louis XV and Louis XIV, and the public not be swayed to help. The only results of the attempts for the absolutism by the monarchy were a series of new and increased taxes on the nobles. The aristocracy immediatley reacted to these taxes as declaring them unfair abd would not accept them. Louis XV began with a series if Financial advisors chancellors which all had the intention of saving the monarchy from financial ruin. They made many attempts at taxation, such as a land tax, but each of these were defeated by the nobles. The government continued to become poorer and poorer and it seemd the only successful taxation was done towards the peasants, whom had the least money.

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