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             Adolph Hitler was a very intelligent man with bad intentions. Hitler maintained and built his power in Nazi Germany through his followers. Hitler took Germans and convinced them that his ideas were the best. Much remains unknown about Hitler to today's nation. Hitler stood for something good in his mind and spread those thoughts to his followers but as history has shown, nothing good came of Hitler's reign.
             Hitler was released from prison in 1924. Immediately Hitler set off on rebuilding the National Socialist German Workers" Party (Nazi Party). Hitler quietly sat in the background and waited for his opportunity to regain national influence. The Great Depression of 1929 was just what he needed. Hitler grabbed the stage and promised jobs to the unemployed and national prosperity. Hitler was subsequently restored to power after the election of 1930 and his plan was set into effect. .
             Immediately upon becoming chancellor, Hitler focused on gaining power and spreading his "word." One of the first things Hitler did was to order Hindenburg to issue a decree suspending all civil liberties in Germany. In effect, Germany was under Hitler's sole control as long as the majority of the people under him were pacified. Hitler was not even required to receive legislative approval when he made laws. Keeping power foremost in his mind, Hitler then placed loyal Nazis in all the important posts amongst Germany. Nazis were placed in the bureaucracy, the judiciary and the German provincial governments. All labor unions were replaced by Nazi-controlled German Labor Front and all other labor unions were outlawed. With legislative approval not being an issue, Hitler made any and all laws he deemed suitable. All political parties beside his own were outlawed. The economy, media and essentially all activities in Germany were under Nazi authority. .
             Hitler made sure to keep control of the people underneath him.

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