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             Thesis: The cloning of humans can be used to save many other humans. Therapeutic cloning can be used to fight diseases and create organs artificially. This procedure will eventually provide genetically 100% compatible organs. .
             I. Human cloning has many potential medical benefits. .
             A. Cloning technology will teach humans to learn to renew the activity of damaged cells by growing new ones to replace them. .
             B. It will give us the capability to create humans with identical genetics so that there is a possibility for transplants. .
             C. Sterile couples will be able to have offspring. .
             D. Richard Seed, a Chicago scientist wants to clone humans for infertile couples. (Stanley).
             E. Brain disorders like Parkinson and Alzheimer Diseases may become curable. .
             F. Diabetes could be treated with insulin-producing pancreatic islet cells.
             G. Spinal Cord Damage could become less of a threat by using nerve cells from cloned humans. .
             H. By using blood cells and bone marrow from clones, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis could be treated more affectively. .
             I. Opposing "There may be a loss of genetic variation. .
             J. Opposing "A "black market- of fetuses may arise from desirable donors that will want to be able to clone themselves.
             K. Opposing "Clones may be treated as second class citizens. .
             II. The cloning of humans would have a great impact on the lives of couples who are unable to conceive. .
             A. According to a 1996 study, one in six couples in America are incapable of conceiving children naturally. (Human Cloning).
             B. Since the child would have all of one of its natural parent's genetic information by use of cloning, he or she is capable of passing the family's genes on to future generations.
             C. Opposing-There may be a loss of genetic makeup variation. .
             III. Another new idea brought up in the many arguments of cloning is that cloning may be used to find new information and do much more research. .
             A. "Interacting with history's most prominent men and women cold advance scientific, technological, and mathematical findings.

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