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            Racism has been a problem since the very first day that two men of different Races met. Racism is defined as the belief in the superiority of one Race over all others. Often racism is a belief that one type of person has got better physical attributes, or is more intelligent. This belief can have an enormous affect over the way that one group of people treats another. In retrospect all racism entails is the idea that because of someone's skin colour or religion they are an in-superior race. .
             Racism is a blatant form of prejudice. People who are prejudice are people who have strong feelings against certain types of people before they have even met them. Prejudice means pre-judgement' and society proves that people will judge somebody sooner than they would get to know them. .
             Regularly individual people are very friendly, but because of there actions throughout history or their rivalling religious beliefs people often see them as being a possible threat and treat every person of that race as if they were the same. This is called stereotyping. Stereotyping is when all people of a certain type are thought to share the same characteristics. Often stereotypes are used as forms of racial abuse and horrible jokes. For example:.
             "Why did the Romans build straight roads? So the Paki's couldn't build corner shops-.
             The first black people to be brought to Britain where slaves. The so-called Slave race' were taken from their home countries and taken to Britain and America. Although Slave trading was mostly common in America British people were just as responsible. The African slaves were often prisoners in their village and tribe leaders would trade them for material goods, such as pots and pans or clothes. Then the slaves would be promised the chance of a new life and promised that they would become good people' and Christians. .
             Many people who are against African-Americans' claim that by coming to this country they were offered the chance to be reformed and made into respectable members of society.

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