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My Business Career Goals


             There are a lot of steps that I must take to obtain my career goals in business. Many may approach their goals in different ways than others. I myself have a three step plan that I think will help me be very successful. First I must know the importance of a college education in the workplace, second I must obtain knowledge of all aspects of business and thirdly I must further my education at Jackson State and be successful.
             A college education will prepare me for a professional career by providing a more indept course curriculum, opportunities for on the job training, and will enhance communication as socialization skills.
             My goal is to pursue a career in Business Management. I realize with just a one-year course of Business Applications I in high school will not adequately prepare me to reach my goal. A highschool education is only an introduction to the educational background that I will need to prepare me for a successful career. .
             A college education will provide opportunities for hands on experiences through work-study programs, co-op and internships that will provide real life settings of what to expect on an actual job.
             A college education will also give me a chance to build up good communication and socialization skills. Interacting with people of different races and backgrounds will prepare me to deal with the people I'll face in the workforce.
             Here at Jackson State I plan to further my education and reach my career goals not only in the field of management but also in every aspect of the business field as a whole. I believe that in the business world you must acquire skills and knowledge from every field because no matter what trade you may take up, it will always be helpful to know a little something extra that may lend you a hand in the long run.
             After graduating from the university I plan on getting a job related in my field and working for a couple of years. Afterwards I plan on going back to college to broaden my knowledge so that I may my Masters Degree in Business Administration.

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