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Violence In The Nation

            All across the United States we hear and read about senseless and random acts of violence. They are occurring with much more frequency than they ever did before. They are becoming more violent and taking more lives. Why are these senseless acts being committed and why are they becoming so frequent? What causes people to act in such a manner? Who is to blame and what can be do to help control this growing every day problem?.
             It seems that the people committing these violent acts have many problems surrounding them and apparently weren't able to deal with them. They had tension and frustrations in their life and instead of talking about it or getting help they just bottled up their problems and let them compound inside of them. They did this until they couldn't hold it anymore and they snapped sending them on a rampage. Some of the people who have these kind of problems might see through the media that committing violence would be a good way to receive attention because it would make the cover of the USA today and the LA Times. This problem of people rampaging against society and its innocent victims is occurring frequently and, sadly to say, but becoming an every day thing. This has part to do with the media. The media takes these stories of violence and makes sure everyone in the United States hears about it or reads about it. They make a huge deal about it and drag it out for days or weeks. This gives other people out there who have problems in their life, who are also not dealing with their problems correctly, ideas to think about of how to get out of the situation by going out with a bang. It shows them that it is a way to escape from their problems just like the people on the news committing the violent crimes and at the same time become famous by getting tons of media coverage. So they, in a way, act like sheep and follow the herd by committing more violence just like the people they saw on television and read about in the newspaper.

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