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             The Funk and Wagnall's Dictionary defines health as "freedom from defect or disease, indicative or characteristic of sound condition." To be healthy can mean to be clear of diseases of the mind, body, and spirit. .
             I am in fair health. I come to this conclusion by looking at factors and situations surrounding. I am physically healthy; I eat well, exercise often and am free of illness. I am spiritually healthy; I attend Church and put faith and trust happily in God. I am also socially healthy; I have many friends, we do things together, often improving upon physical health with exercise. I have an obligation to myself to be healthy. Personally, health is only obligatory to one's self. It is a matter of choice to have society or God influence a decision to be healthy. Ill health impacts society by spreading disease and destructive actions; resulting in a cancer-like situation in the world.
             The best way to achieve complete health is not only to be constructive to yourself, but also to try to help others to be healthy. Obstacles to health include personal blockades and sociological preventions. Personal obstacles include attitudes, beliefs, or habits supporting an unhealthy standing. Society can also stop progression by displaying dangerous actions, such as promoting smoking, drinking, super-thin figures, or by unwelcomingly changing the beliefs of a person or a group of people. Reasons for consciously engaging in unhealthy habits are peer pressure, religious convictions, or mere curiosity in doing something different. Society has an obligation to change unhealthy practices only if it wishes to be healthy as a whole. Convincing by education of what is healthy only teaches anything not discussed or taught is unhealthy. Social pressure has a large influence on portraying "true health" as seen by a society group, which is often incorrect. Legislation can prevent health only if one chooses to obey the laws set.

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