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Art Expience

            Many people, throughout their lives turn to art for guidance, relaxation, purity, and just plain fun. For me, art is moving, and active, it is an experience for me. When I sculpt, I give myself the chance to experience some many wonders in the world. For example, gravity, speed, motion, air, space. All of these are critical to me when I sculpt. For me, the experience is new and interesting, it provides me with a sense of excitement, and not knowing what is to come out of my creation. The best thing about sculpting is that you start out with one experience and it leads to so many more, even in the same project.
             For me, I would not consider myself and artist, for I do not do it enough. I believe that an artist dedicates a lot of pure heart and soul into a piece, that shows just that, heart and soul. Although I do pour in a lot of effort, I never find my pieces to be revolutionary in any way. When I think of famous painters or artists, I know, I know of them because of their contributions to society through their art. Their art is something people learn from, something people go to see in order to learn. Although we can learn from any piece made, I don't always find my work as much to others as it is to me. The occasional, "cool," is something I look for. .
             To describe art is almost impossible. It's like trying to define Heaven. No one has actually looked in at Heaven and can explain it. Art is similar in a way that, one can stare at a piece for years in his or her life, and still not be able to write down its meaning. That is why I love art; it is something that the mind can wonder on for hours upon hours. If I ever tried to sum it up, I would have to say, "An experience among experiences." .

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