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Ancient History

             60 million years ago, the age of giant reptiles came to an end. Dinosaurs ruled the earth, while mammals were not able to evolve because they could never challenge the dinosaurs. Then, a comet hit the earth and the dinosaurs disappeared. Mammals, including primates, were then able to evolve. Over 5 million years ago, primates walked on all fours. Then they started to walk on their two hind legs. The less they hung on trees, the more they used their arms to carry things, and they began to develop the use of their hands. 2 million years ago the hands were used as tools which is the first characteristic that is recognizably human. The jaw muscles relaxed which allowed the skull to grow larger to fit the larger brain. 1.6 million years ago the first creature that looked like us and was as tall as us had evolved. .
             2. The physical evolution of the body and the hands enabled them to use tools to use in everyday life. The primitive tools saved them from using their teeth for a lot of things. 2 million years ago people turned carnivore from vegetarian because they were able to use tools to help catch their food. They were then able to make fire, shelter and many tools for living and evolving as people. A significant portion of what little surplus of what people grew and made went into making tools and temples like Stonehenge. People developed primitive but revolutionary ways of storing information outside of themselves with notches, markings and drawings using their hands. This was significant because humans could then convey information not by word alone. .
             3. The Neolithic people's society depended on fertility and security. These people were never free from fear of raids over crops and animals. Rituals became crucial to protect them from danger and to promote success in battles. They developed increasingly complex magic techniques or rituals, which mostly involved human sacrifice.

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