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Descriptive Essay

            The history book looks as old as the history it dates back to. The corners of the pages have been weathered and dulled down. Water leaves the bottom of each page wavy and stiff. Some pages have coffee stains on them and have thinned down. The thinning pages have changed colors from the cream white they used to be to the sun tanned yellow. Missing pages from the history book result from a student who tore it out for the information. All the words in the book worn out, fading, and/or smeared as a result of the continuous use of the book. They have gone from mystic glazed black to misty fog gray. Like any living organism, time has also taken a toll on the book.
             Judged by their covers, most books read must look interesting on the outside. The black rough textured cover of the U.S. History book contains the words United States History in gold metallic, engraved into the tiny lumps in the surface of the cover. The gold metallic color slowly fades away with time and the use of the book leaving only few letters are legible. Between each crevice hides tiny particles of dust waiting to be swiped away. Indented lines hide in the creases of the binding. No longer does the book look intriguing, holding the darkest secrets to the past, now the book looks like a regular boring school history book.
             The binding holds many stories within itself. Each crease left in the binding remains from a previous reader reading a certain part of the old history book. By observing the number of creases, it is easy to see the book has been read many times. Missing part of the binding on the outside, the book is barely holding together, more by a thread. The book possesses a hole through the first couple of pages from a previous owner's cigarette. Around the ridge of the hole, ashes still remain and from the cigarette burn a smell adds to the stench of the book. The smell of old closets with too many mothballs clings to the book leaving it smelling fresh yet repelling because of the nauseating feeling left behind from too much of the stench.

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