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Health and social crae

            Negative risks that can damage my individual .
             Faith stresses s lot about her partner and her 2 children. Stress normally occurs when her daughters gets up to go to school at 6.30am. As her daughter gets very bad tempered and would start shouting at her mother. Faith then would also get very stressed with her daughter, and start shouting back and would probably being moody for the rest of the day. She would also get very stressed about money, because Faith is one that is paying all the bills for the house, so this could even make ill, by so much stress.
             Alcohol can affect many different people, in many different ways. Faith goes out with her friends to clubs and pubs, she will also drink at these places. If she does get drunk then the damage that could be done is that, she could become very aggressive towards her friends. This then results to her friends talking to her. This then affect her emotions status because she would feel down and upset. .
             Lack of exercise.
             Faith does not really do much exercise, so the damage is that she will gain weight and she will feel less sociable and more emotional. There would also be a strain on her heart when she does more strenuous work e.g. going shopping, carrying heavy bags. .
             Unhealthy diet.
             Faith can eat a healthy diet but she can also eat a lot of junk food. She will eat the right amount of meals a day. She also eats 5 fruit and vegetables a day, but she can also snack in-between her meals e.g. she would eat bars of chocolate or a packet of crisps. She would do this because she would be very bored around the house because she works on nights as a nurse rather than a day job, so she is either at home sleeping or doing housework also around the house. .
             The short-term risks.
             Alcohol has many short-term effects that could risk my individual. When you drink over the limit, your body starts to feel different, firstly you start to feel good, and you are more sociable.

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