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Can IT help to learn a foreign language?

            There are several ways in which IT can help in learning any foreign languages, one can try to learn by using the Internet, which has translation programs that are free to use.
             Another way is by buying a user-friendly program that teaches a particular language step by step. Another is by using the Internet to access message sending programs such as ICU, MSN Messenger and Yahoo chat, but this way one can interact with other users from across the country or even the world and they can help to teach a foreign language. .
             The first way in which was mentioned that can help is by using the Internet to access translation programs on the net, this would be a very easy way to start to learn a foreign language. The user can punch in a word of his own language for example, he is Spanish and he would like to learn a bit of English so he would type in a word or a phrase into the translator, and it would instantly translate the word or phrase into English, and in this way he could learn various words and sentences to enable him to carry a conversation which in turn he will learn more English. This way of learning is not the most idle way to learn but is one is trying to get started in learning a foreign language it could help him to learn the basics, so that he can try and interact with people and therefore he would learn more. This method is the easiest and the most basic but definitely not the most effective, but another advantage about this method is that there are many varieties of languages over the Internet that can be used. .
             Another way that one can learn a foreign language by using IT, is that one can go and buy a special user-friendly language program. They can learn by taking a step by step system that explains what to do in the language that the user understand, for example in the program they could show a picture of a cow and next to it the name of the animal in the language that he understands and next to that the name of the animal in that specific language, and the user would automatically understand.

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