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            Going to an all girl school has many advantages. Getting up in the morning all that was on my mind was to put my uniform on and head out the door. When you attend an all girl school the atmosphere is different, whereas class size is just right.
             My experience at an all girl high school was great. One of the best things was that the people were awesome, and our teachers were understanding. The girls that attended my school were cool, but others were a bit weird. Every floor has a mural that the girls paint, and my favorite mural is the one with all the outstanding women in history. Whenever we would feel under the weather, the staff would go out of their way to make us feel better. Although we had to wear uniforms all week on Fridays, we were able to wear whatever we pleased. The best part of the school year I would have to say is spirit week, for this is when the entire school comes together as a whole and just has fun. During that week you just let loose and enjoy, or you can choose to just stand back and watch. At the end of our year when we had our mothers day mass, where you had a chance to spend time with your mom. This also was good, because it helped you to get to spend the day with your mom something not many do. All in all, the people that I befriended were great, because they helped me out whenever I needed anything. The things that I picked up on just being there for my first year was awesome, because I loved the feeling of being free and spontaneous. .
             When I first saw my high school I though that it was huge, but now when I go back it's so tiny. Although we also got to ask questions to the teacher one on one, in class we had to pay attention to what was being said. The most students that ever happened to be in one class would be no more than twenty five students. Although I couldn't take a nap in class, I got to get to know my teachers and that was a reward in itself. When I became so close to my teachers I had no problem asking for help, I remember having great conversations with them.

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