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What America's Future Holds For Me

             What America's Future Holds for Me.
             America is a magnificent, democratic nation that is highly developed in science and technology. If we want to see ahead, we must look back. Similar to any other great nation, America has a vivid and eventful past. The Declaration of Independence states in words that stir our hearts: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In 1995, Mother Theresa said of our land: "Yours is one great nation in all of history that was founded on the precept of equal rights and respect for all humankind, for the poorest and weakest of us, as well as the richest and the strongest." I believe that this nation will continue to grow, and that it will hold open for me the wide doors of opportunity and success.
             My conscience is telling me that America has for me, a bright and stimulating future. Some of the world's finest universities are in America. Here, I will have the privilege to continue my education to its supremacy, regardless of my age. Universities in America offer variety, diversity, flexibility and choice. In this country, I will have the opportunity to identify and develop my hidden potentialities. Furthermore, I will be free and encouraged to follow my dreams.
             The fact that America is greatly developed in the field of genetics has convinced me that my aspiration of excelling in this field can come true. American scientists have created a revolution in our understanding of genetics. The elimination of many fatal diseases could be made possible with progressions in genetic screening. This stimulates me to dedicate my future efforts to uncover the basis of life. .
             Something that is different about this country is that every individual is entitled to personal and professional freedom. Everyone is equal, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or color.

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