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            What has television done to my generation?.
             There has been no generation that has needed a revolution more than mine. We generation Y"ers are the most repressed generation that has been raised in the United States. After reading the various great philosophers, some with great ideas and some with hairball ones, I find the same clear message. This clear message I speak of is that my generation needs to have a revolution to save the future of our species and if we fail to do so the Earth will be doomed. Unfortunately, my generation will not make that move to save their lives, and I know why.
             The first point I would like to make is that if we as a generation cannot organize, then we cannot have a revolution. When protests against the war in Iraq were held, I looked to those who spoke all day about "how horrible those republicans are" and "why can't we all get along." When it came time to take some action, however, in those same individuals I found a higher amount of excuses to get out of making a difference than the amount of statements that they had about what they believed in which means that they do not truly believe in those causes, but only say things for acceptance and to go with the flow. This trend of going with the flow is very common among people of my age and going with the flow is taught on television. .
             For nearly an entire generation of people to turn out to be different in only their physical features, there must be some crazy influence to make them all cookie-cutter in that way. What I find the most interesting in these people is that they have no idea, or don't believe that anything is wrong with the ways they act. The method used to create this mentality is to make them believe that everyone else is doing the same. The way this was implemented was by playing on people's insecurities which causes them to believe that everybody is judging them and that if they do not perform in a certain manner, that they will be considered weird or outsiders.

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