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             Gandhi used non violent strategy during both his local and national campaigns to bring about change in India. He honed the theory of Satyagraha and proved it to be a powerful weapon to bring about change. Gandhi's early Indian campaigns had mixed successes with most failures caused by not strictly following the non violence rule of Satyagraha. His later campaign, the salt Satyagraha was very successful in bringing change to Indian society and assisting the cause of Indian self government.
             Satyagraha. Developed and first used in South Africa Gandhi employed this tactic throughout his campaigns in India. Satyagraha is the method of bringing about change using non violent means. Examples of these are Sit downs, Marches, Fasting, Civil disobedience, Non Co-operation such as refusing to pay taxes, resignations from government positions and Hartel (a mass closing of businesses). Satyagraha has the objective of "converting ones opponent". Satyagraha has strict rules such as: "a clear declaration of objective and methods", no coercion allowed, absolutely no violence, complete honesty and a willingness to suffer. Satyagraha cannot be used against an opponent when they are suffering weakness or misfortune. An example of this is when Gandhi cancelled the Satyagraha campaign against British rule during World War One. Satyagraha was first used by Gandhi in India during local campaigns. The first one being in the Champeran region.
             The issue in Champeran was British Land lords who owned the Indigo farms were charging the poor peasants higher rents although there was an increase in demand for indigo because of World War One. The British land lords were also buying the peasants Indigo for an unfair price and keeping the extra profit for themselves. Gandhi wearing traditional clothes and speaking the local language took up the peasant's cause. Gandhi was ordered to leave the region by the British governor but openly refused and invited him to arrest him.

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