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             The way that I handle the mushroom assignment is the same way that I handle things in real life. I try to focus upon everything that goes on in my life; I observed things in life as it comes.
             There have been times in my life that I do think and also wish that I could change things after the outcome, but I also try not to focus upon the past of my outcomes. Doing things in which it takes time to do can sometimes be a problem for me, the reason is because my days are already set. Being a mother, wife, student, and working full-time have its advantage and disadvantage. My day is the same each and every day. I wake up in the morning to prepare breakfast for my husband and children. See the children off to school (only two) and spend the rest of the day watching TV (Disney channel) with my 18 month old, and trying to complete my homework assignment in both classes. At about 11am I began preparing lunch for my little one, after she has eaten she takes a nap for one to two hours. When she wake up its time for me to prepare dinner. My two older children that attend school will becoming home by 4:15pm,husband at 5:30.dinner is ready by 5:45pm. (Mon.-Thru.) I Then get time for my self and I go to sleep until 9:00pm.By that time my husband wakes me up I go take my bath and by 10:00pm I"m on my way out the door for work. My days are the same except on Friday and Saturday.
             I have everything plan and organized for me day by day. If there were anything in my life that I could change, it would be the death of my mother. She was my mentor. When things became bad, she was always there to make it better for me and not judge me but give me support. My mother could make a person worst days become their most favorable ones. She would always telling me and anyone else that came to her for support, that the lord never gives you more than what he feels that you can handle, no matter how bad it is the lord is the only one who can be our judge, and when he says enough is enough he then calls you home.

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