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Human Cloning

            Suppose one day you could go into a lab and make the perfect human being.
             Suppose you could take your own genes and make a copy of them. .
             Think about the possibilities: .
             - The chance for childless couples to raise a family. .
             - The chance for dying patients to harvest the organ they need to save their life. .
             - The chance for a grieving family to replace their lost child one with another just like them. .
             Sounds amazing, doesn't it? .
             And the fact is, since Dolly - the worlds most famous sheep - was cloned , the possibility has become very real. .
             But we must be careful about this. .
             This is real science. .
             It involves real human beings. .
             And there are risks you take when you start to play God. .
             Look at some examples in the field of infertility treatment today which have been reported in the news: .
             - Take the university clinic in that California impregnates women with embryos from couples who haven't given their consent. .
             - Take the woman who hires a surrogate to have her baby because she doesn't want to lose her svelte figure. .
             And ask yourself this: .
             If that's happening now, what extremes will people go to with this new technology? .
             If we don't take care, we are going to end up making babies in ways so wrong that future generations could be in peril. .
             Cast aside for one moment, the possibility that it won't work. Lets assume it can. .
             And cast aside for one moment, the deep religious issues that this raises, even though they are very important. .
             Even if we cast aside those two very significant aspects, we are still confronted with some clear issues that make a compelling case against cloning: .
             Let's consider some of them: .
             First: The awful things that will happen as the process is perfected. .
             Dolly was only cloned after 276 tries, according to the New Scientist magazine. .
             You might accept one in 273 possibly normal sheep as a result of cloning technique in sheep; .
             but will people accept 12 deformed human fetuses and 200 failed fertilized eggs with an unknown outcome in human beings? .

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