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             Without characters like Polonius and Claudius, Hamlet would have been a completely different story. Their desire and eagerness to control others have a huge impact on this story. Many events would not have been possible without them dictating others. Control is a driving force in Hamlet. These two characters played great roles that affected the lives of many others.
             Polonius uses control to dictate many of the things Ophelia does. "I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth/ Have you so slander any moment leisure/ As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet./ Look to't I charge you" (1.3.133-136). Ophelia always does as her father says, she's extremely obedient. Later, in the play after Hamlet has gone "mad" Polonius throws an idea to King Claudius and the queen. He uses his daughter to find out what's been bothering Hamlet. "Opehlia, walk you here- Gracious, so please/ you./ We will bestow ourselves. Read on this book,/ That show of such an exercise may color/ Your loneliness. - We are oft to blame in this/ ("Tis too much proved), that with devotions visage/ And pious action we do sugar o"er/ The devil himself" (3.1.43-49). Polonius's control over his daughter drives her crazy as well. By doing as her father says Hamlet continues to play his games knowing he's being eatched. Hamlet's games confuse Ophelia very much, and after her father's death she can't handle it anymore. She takes her life which in turn causes the deaths of many others.
             Claudius, another man who uses control to get what he wants hurts many other people. His need for control (being king of Denmark) entails him to murder his brother to achieve such a position. "So the whole ear of Denmark/ Is by forged process of my death/ Rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth,/ The serpent that did sting thy father's life/ Now wears his crown" (1.3.37-41). When he is finally king keeping the truth hidden is a great concern of his. When he thinks Hamlet may know the truth he sends him off to England where he arranges for Hamlet to die.

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