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            In a relationship, which two person take upon seriously, can only be freedom and freewill to learn to love and understand for one another. One cannot obtain a person by given so much in compassion and devotion to persuade the other to change or hoping to receive the same in return. It is only when the other person is willing or wanting to give. Therefore, one must not ask or want from the other for anything. It will only be disappointments that one asked and hoped so much from the other but not be given, rather one should be appreciated what the other has already given and be happy. Similar to a bird being confine in a cage, it always wanted to fly free no matter how much its master love it or care for it. For love it is the same " If you love someone you must learn to let them go. If they come back to you then it was meant to be." Once in a relationship, it is nearly impossible for anyone to realize that concept. Anyone who is in love with another person will always be blind and not see the truth that to love someone is to make the other significant be happy and not satisfies oneself by what the given back in return. However, love will take over a person and consume his or her mind to become selfish and protective. It is not wrong to feel such ways when one care for another, especially when one is a male. The role of a male in the relationship is always dominant that he willing to do whatever it takes to protect and care for the person that he loves, but he expect the person that he loves to love him more in return that she must only be devoted to him and no others before him. If anyone in a religious would understand this concept very well, like how a member of a church would love his or her God that person only love Him and put no others before Him. Any man would want the same devotion from his woman, but he can only be second next to God for any religious woman. Love it is best when one is willing to sacrifice oneself just to show the one he love that he cares.

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