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            About two hundred years before, the word "computer" started to appear in the dictionary. Some people even didn't know what a computer is. Therefore, computer has become more and more popular and important in our society. We can use computer everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our life. The speed and accuracy of computer made people felt confident and reliable. Therefore, many important information or data are saved in the computer. Such as your diary, the financial situation of a oil company or some secret intelligence of the military department. A lot of important information can be found in the memory of computer. .
             In 19th century, computer became more and more important and helpful. You can input a large amount of information or data in a small memory chip of a personal computer. The hard disk of a computer system is liked a bank. It contained a lot of costly material. For example, the financial situation of a trading company or some secret military .
             information .
             Computers can calculate and figure out things much quicker than the average person. This process cannot only save time, but money too. Stock trading is now on the Internet, along with banking and any other type of business you could imagine. The world wants thing to be quick and easy. The best answer to that is to have a computer do it for you. In the future, hundreds of millions of jobs will be taken away from honest hard-working employees and will be given to computers. No matter what choices we make, or what plans we change, these outcomes are going to become real. Why would a business pay someone to take phone orders, when a computer can do it in less time and make it both cheaper and easier for the business and the buyer? Computers and the Internet are definitely affecting the way we entertain ourselves.

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