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Human Cloning

            In the beginning, God was the one who created everything. He said "let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them". Now it is us who has the power to create man and women in our own image. The technology of today has put us at the same level as our all mighty creator. What does this say for an age-old book that some people have based their life upon? Does this technology make God less important? This is an example of one of the debates that the science of cloning has brought about. The discourse of cloning, is one of the most popular of today. Some believe that it can be seen as a medical break though. They argue that it can provide an amputee with a new limb, that diseases will be cured, genetic questions can be answered, and the infertile can bear children. However, some believe that cloning will be the downfall of our society. They suggest that it is a sin for humankind to create life scientifically, that it may be used for evil purposes, that there will be legal implications after it becomes mainstream, and that cloning will change the current views of parenthood. The simple fusion of a human cell, with an empty unfertilized egg has sparked much controversy and debate in the past five years, and continues to do so with no clear end in sight. This essay will look at these debates with respect to the legal complexity of cloning as well as its implications for women. Finally, this essay will discuss cloning through an ecofeminist perspective. We live in a democratic nation where freedom reigns, as does the majority. This majority believes that cloning is wrong and immoral, and therefore the United States government has ceased federal funding for this type of research.

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