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             This formula will create a lifetime of successful behavior, especially in the golf industry. Executing this formula will show you how to: create discipline in your life, establish a solid work ethic, and create a sense of self-esteem in both yourself and others. Learn how to fight through the inevitable adversity we all encounter in life, and be able to accomplish things you never dreamed possible. .
             Success means different things to different people. For some, it's money. For some, it's power. For others, it's the respect of their peers, or its self-satisfaction. For many, it's the desire to have better relationships with the people in their lives. Everyone wants to succeed. We all want to be more productive. We all want to feel as though we are reaching our full potential. .
             Such people have a purpose, a sense of direction which establishes a motive. They are disciplined in planning there success. They live by a code of conduct, an organized plan of attack. Discipline is the plan; the awareness of where you are starting from and what road to take to arrive at your destination.
             Okay, you want to succeed. You're willing to do everything possible to realize your dreams. Where do you start? .
             First, you must make the choice to be successful. Then you must deserve it. How? Outwork everybody in sight. Sweat the small stuff. Sweat the big stuff. Go the extra mile. Do whatever it takes. Put your heart and soul into everything you do. Establish a second-to-none work ethic. Nothing meaningful or lasting comes without working hard at it, whether it's in your own life or with people you're trying to influence.
             Self-esteem is the value you put on yourself. It's the person you see when you look in the mirror. So you cannot minimize the importance of self-esteem. Without it, you become paralyzed. You are unable to react. We all are products of our values and attitudes that shaped us. Greatness can never be achieved unless we feel good about ourselves.

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