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How to concentrate on homework


            Have you ever stood in front of a huge pile of homework and just could not concentrate on it. I think that has happen to everyone throughout his or her lifetime. In college, you tend to have more time on your hands and the last thing on one's mind is homework. But I learned some tricks once for concentrating on homework. I never used them in high school but I tend to use them more since I have been attending college.
             The first trick is: keep your desk clean. It is just better to work on a surface that looks like a Japanese garden than on one that looks as if a world war had taken place on it. If the working conditions are nicer, people just tend to work harder without feeling tired. If there is a lot of stuff on your desk just put it onto the floor. .
             Another thing that goes with keeping your working area clear is to keep everything out of eyesight that might distract you. With me, for instance, if I have the television on, even if it is just in the corner of my eye, after awhile my main focus would be on the television instead of my work. It is just hard to concentrate on something you do not like doing if you can see something that you like to do.
             The next trick is to write down what you have to do for homework on separate little notes. Also write down the time you started doing that piece of homework and the time you think you will be finished onto each note. After you are finished also write that time down.
             That will keep you going because you are racing against time, but after awhile you just cannot think anymore. So, after every 10 minutes open the window (if it is not already open) and walk around the room for 1 or 2 minutes, to let your brain cool down. After every half-an-hour, take a 5 minute break and leave the room if you want.
             Furthermore, I believe that all these steps do help, but it takes a lot of discipline. With all the note taking and having breaks while studying helps you become more relax.

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